Sunday, April 7, 2013

Morocco... another long post with lots of pics

Morocco is such a pretty place, unfortunately it rained the entire time we were there. It was a great experience going to Morocco, Marruecas in español. I had never been to a place like this before... since it's a developing country. The bathrooms were... interesting... in some places you couldn't flush the toilets or there was a hole in the ground as the "toilet." Some of things I saw were sad, like children trying to get under our tour bus as a way to get to Spain. It's hard to understand that kids want to leave so badly that they would get under a bus and leave their family behind. On a lighter note... the program I went with was great. They took us to 3 cities and had locals give us walking tours in Spanish and English. They planned everything very well, and we had a lot of fun!!

We stayed at the Intercontinental Hotel in Tangiers a more modern city. We ate dinner at the restaurant in the hotel. 

My first time having couscous 

On the way to Chefchouen, we drove through mountains.

Chefchouen... This video shows the part of the city where the main outdoor shopping market is. At the end it gets a little shaky because these kids kept hassling me to buy bracelets. You can probably hear me telling them "no gracias" lol

The inside of the city walls are blue... so it's called the "blue city"

When shopping you do a lot of bargaining it's like a game. We did it all in Spanish, since we can't speak Arabic. Every vendor I talked to spoke a good bit of Spanish and a little English. Enough to give prices and say "Hey Americans, Obama, I want to be your Moroccan husband and you look like African woman" haha most of the things I heard while walking the streets.

The montañas

Where the women go to wash their clothes

Ignore the fact that I look like I have a lazy eye in all these pics smh.

Isn't he cute??

We ate at a restaurant called Aladín... It looked like the movie Aladin

View of Chefchouen from the roof of the restaurant.


 The camel ride was pretty fun. It wasn't a very long ride, but it was def long enough. I enjoyed the camels :)

Yes, I took a selfie with the baby camel... and he was just fine with it.

This is how they sit so you can get on. Then they stand up on their 2 front feet first, so you're leaning back on the verge of falling. Then they put their hind legs up.

The Mediterranean Sea right where it's meeting the Atlantic Ocean. Not the greatest pics, but again, the bad weather :-/ 

So we went to a cave where supposedly Hercules lived

Right outside the end of the cave is the Atlantic Ocean.

A random place we stopped to use the bathroom... Why don't have cute doors like this in Spain? or the US?

Assilah, another city, which is on the water... the Mediterranean I believe... or maybe both the sea and ocean.

A lot of the walls are painted throughout the city.


Another cool restaurant!

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