Monday, March 18, 2013

Valencia is on fallllaaaa

These past days of the Fallas holidays have been insane. That's the best way to describe them. The worst part are the small children setting of firecrackers every 5 secs (literally, we counted) and more people setting off mini bombs (as I like to call them) that have an intense flash and make you partially deaf. I have never experienced anything like Fallas, especially considering firecrackers, fireworks, and mini bombs are illegal to the general public and babies at home! Other crazy things-- parties and discotecas (clubs) in the streets, random break-dancing showcases around the city, concerts in diff neighborhoods, fire-twirlers, harassment by Puerto Ricans, people jumping on top of taxis outside my window, bars on every corner, 1 million ppl, wake-up calls around the city AND flower offerings to the giant Virgin Mary 5 mins away from my dorm. Let's not forget this is a celebration for a Saint. Please try to imagine all of this! Here are a few quick examples. Way more cool things to come!!!

The neighborhood I live in is called Barrio del Carmen. This is my neighborhood during fallas!

Outside of Subway, this girl pours cups of Sangria from the 2 jugs she was carrying around.

Break dancing in front of the Torres de Serranos.

My mom lets me play with fire...

More pyromaniacs in training

Yep, we're going to skate through the crowds.

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